To participate in the program, I was required to complete three health/welfaire & lifestyle surveys that asked questions ranging from "How much water do you drink in one day?" to "What are your substance abuse issues? How often do you use? Are you involved in a recovery program?" or "Are you a spiritual person? How does your faith play a role in your lifestyle choices?," etc.

The L.I.F.E. Program is reputed as being the premier health/social/spiritual welfare empowerment program for HIV/AIDS positive individuals in San Francisco; although, the Institute is practiced nationwide. In fact, John Olesen, MA is my National L.I.F.E. Trainer. I meet with him weekly, so that he can facilitate for me lifestyle lessons taught in The L.I.F.E. Program. in addition to facilitating my weekly one-on-one sessions, he leads group support trainings once a week for 16 weeks at a time (the duration of the program). He also travels all over the country to train social and health/welfare service providers in the HIV/AIDS Advocacy sector on how to facilitate the basic fundamental practices & lessons of The L.I.F.E. Program. John is a professional HIV/AIDS Care/Prevention Counselor as well; who has over 30 years of experience in industry work for NYC, San Francisco, and other cosmopolitan regions in the nation.
He's a fun, lively character…a good man, with lots of insight, wisdom and experience. He also happens to be a recovering addict/alcoholic, and does not hesitate to offer me support around my substance abuse issues. I will most definitely benefit from this relationship that I have set up with John and from our weekly check-in meetings.
To give an example of how the discussion topics for these meetings might prove to be tangential, I'll report that for our February 9, 2009 check-in, John focused the discussion on helping me implement new lifestyle changes related to my living space. We basically discussed for an hour the conceptualization of a design for the interiror of my studio apartment. I even drew him graphic diagrams of how I envisioned my apartment being arranged vs. how it is arranged at present. We also discussed paint colors and chatchka decorations, window drapes and textile fabric color choices for a "Blue/Sunshine" thened design and a "Moroccan Kazbah" themed design.
I think he happened to prefer the "Moroccan Kazbah" themed design concept himself. I just am afraid of the color red, even though, I know that it can be a very peaceful, relaxing, warming color. I find blue to be peaceful, relaxing and calming or cooling, which would be my initial preference; although, I do like the idea of having my own private Kazbah den for relaxing and meditating and toking on the shookah. Hehehe! As if that would ever happen in the life that I am now leading.
We also discussed setting up a savings plan to develop funds for redesigning the interior of my apartment. A redesign will definitely cost money that I just don't have right now, given that I happen to be still using (which shouldn't be lasting much longer now, if I hope to continue on with my cycles of reconstructions and recovery in the near future).
The meetings will provide me with an outlet for thoughtfully expressing and considering my daily lifestyle choices and concerns; whatever they might be! I look forward to meeting with John every Monday morning at 11:00AM for the next few months, until I am ready to participate fully in the group sessions of The L.I.F.E. Program. John will be a good sounding board for my anxieties, aspirations, obstacles, frustrations and dreams.
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Microsoft™ Office® Outlook™
Calendar Entry Description:
Monday, Feb. 23 @ 11:00AM
[Reoccurring Weekly (X15)].
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