11 September 2009

Sixty Days Sober, Sanity & Surgery
The Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara

Introducing my first foray into video-blogging!! I'd like to post the following video in honor of my 60th day of sobriety, September 11th (God bless the 2,993 lives lost on that infamous, tragic day eight years ago!), my sanity, my pearl & sapphire stone birthday celebration, my surgery (soon to come!) and my seventh chakra: Sahasrara – "The Thousand Petalled Lotus" – signifying supreme consciousness & connection to the cerebral, spiritual and concrete world.

I won't do much writing here, besides to say that I'm a lil' frustrated with my webcam movie maker, because its somehow configured only to record one 10 minute segment of video at a time (a requirement for YouTube uploads). Coincidentally, my minutes sped to an abrupt end right at the single second after I say in such a straightforward, matter of fact way, something of the sort: "I just have an ugly face." Period. And, then the screen stops and skips backward to the first frame for a replay.

I meant for that comment to be followed by a shrug of the shoulders and a sardonic slap to my screwy smile, so that single statement would not be taken so seriously. So, remember that, when watching!! I don't think I'm ugly, really. Really, I know I'm beautiful ... especially, where it counts: on the inside!! And, that I hope is demonstrated by my provocative video performance & storytelling. Here, just watch! ...

©2009 Matthew Blanchard | San Francisco, CA USA

This video was recorded using the HP MediaSmart Webcam & on my new HP Pavilion dv4-1435dx Entertainment Notebook PC. Please be aware that this video and all original photos, pictures, images, audio & video posted to this blog is legally copyrighted to the author; therefore, you are prohibited by law from copying, distributing, manipulating, rendering, altering, editing, selling, posting or making public all copyrighted works without explicit written permission from the author/owner. Thank you for respecting these terms of use. Please enjoy! And, be prepared for more to come...



There are seven chakras, or vortices of energy, in the subtle body, located along the spine. Each of them has different functions and certain attributes assigned to them. The Sahasrara is the seventh chakra located at the crown of the head, depicted with a thousand petals. Its physical counterpart is the human brain.

The kundalini shakti, the creative life energy, lies dormant at the first plexus, the Muladhara, at the base of the spine. When she is awakened through meditation practices, she begins her journey up the spinal column, purifying and stabilizing all the
chakras, until one day she reaches Lord Shiva, who resides at the Sahasrara.

With the Divine Union of Shiva and Shakti, the thousand petals bloom and rejoice. The yogi's samskaras (imprints and tendencies) are eliminated. He or she is liberated. Self-realization, the goal of all spiritual practices, is achieved. Nirvana consciousness becomes the yogi's permanent state.

©2009 Chandi Devi | Sahasrara - The Seventh Chakra:
The Thousand Petalled Lotus | Suite101.com (2009.09.11)

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